


Every Monday until November 29
9:00 am

Procedures that must be followed to have In-Person Services
• Everyone entering sanctuary must first have temperature taken, use hand sanitizer as needed and wear a mask (please wear a mask from home if you have one).
• When entering narthex, an offering plate will be there to place offering in,  and you will pick up your bulletin.
• Families can sit together but everyone else will need to be spaced 6 feet apart. We will need people that enter first to move to end of the row, so no one must cross in front on each other.
• Children must stay with their family. No Light Zone/Nursey is allowed.
• Service will have no passing of the peace and no passing of the offering plate.
• We have removed the hymnals and bibles from the pews. Bring your Bible from home if you want one.
• When exiting service, we will use side doors and main doors.
• We will not be having fellowship time after service.
• Please always maintain social distancing.
• Worship service will still be posted on website. People with underlying health issues and elderly are encouraged to stay home, be safe, and watch service from home.
• Anyone that is ill or has symptoms of illness is required to stay home.
• We are only allowed 90 people in sanctuary.